Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who knows the robber with the hand grenade?

Ratingen -
He went in, shook a hand grenade and demanded money: An unknown man on 11 and 17 Haan and November in Ratingen (District Mettman) each have a drink market attacked.
In order to provide for panic, he showed not only the terrible weapon, but even drew out the stylus to its threat to push.
Now the police are looking for a mug shot after the dangerous man: it is about 25-30 years old and 1.70 meters high. He is probably of Eastern European descent and is said to have a Russian-sounding accent. In addition, its extremely light blue eyes and light skin are noticed.
Who knows the man should contact the police under the number 02104 / 982 - 0.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mia Farrow's brother committed suicide

New York / Los Angeles - The brother of U.S. actress MiaFarrow (64), Patrick Farrow, has committed suicide.
He had sichdurch a shot in the head killed the zuständigeLeichenbeschauer said on Wednesday the U.S. magazine "People with". DerBildhauer on Monday was found dead in his gallery at KleinstadtCastleton in the U.S. state of Vermont.
The first one Ermittlerstuften death as "suspicious", but concluded einFremdverschulden rapidly.
The 66-year-old artist works media 35Jahren admission became a sculptor and chatted with his wife Susandie "Farrow Gallery" in the little town on the border to BundesstaatNew York. Apart from sculptures, the gallery works ausverschiedenen materials (mixed media) and jewelry made.
Patrick was one of seven children hasbeen eliminated undRegisseurs the writer John Farrow and actress Maureen O'Sullivan, a number of `Tarzan" films embodied the beautiful Jane.
MiaFarrow is best known for her role in the horror film "Rosemary's Baby" (1968) and by working with their früherenLebensgefährten Woody Allen.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"We let too many opportunities lie"

Gummersbach - "It's tearing their hair. We take our chances not easy. I do not know how many points we want to leave, "was angry Gummersbach-Star goalkeeper Goran Stojanovic about the missed opportunity at 28:28 (13:16) in Nordhorn>.
During the HSG, which had two strain forces in the winter can be drawn because of financial problems, you lead times significantly, Robert Gunnarsson was again in the closing seconds, the chance to win - and verballert miserably. For the umpteenth time this season, VfL were unnecessarily from points because he lost in the final phase of the line.
"If we had used our chances, we were playing for the Champions League places," says Stojanovic. "Now we have to stop adding new tomorrow." As the SG Flensburg comes in the Lanxess Arena (20.15 clock), which has increased with North Horn Erlend Marmelund. Stojanovic: "There were always hot duels against SG. We hope for a good backdrop and a regular support from our fans. "

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The crushed Carnival

Bonn - Three Alaaf, a few Bützjer, then onto the stage and the Prince caravan moves on. In Rausrennen quickly distribute a few more medals to throw chestnut - hardly the session has begun, it is already over.
 The crushed Carnival kick-off is, of course, as always, on 11 11. - Starting in January, but then set the switches to turbo revelers.
The Prince's proclamation on 4 January, exactly one month later, following the climax: Green Monday. And two days later, on 6 February, says again: fish instead Koelsch.
Despite everything, there are no meetings in Bonn or carnival events in the Advent season. "We know the importance of the Catholic Church, which does not come into question for us," said the prince was Christoph Arnold EXPRESS.
"It is important in this very short session, that all pull together. It must be ensured that for the Bonn Prinzenpaar no major delays occur.
Even though the two seem even too early to a gig, the chairperson must be flexible and simply prefer the prince and princess, so can be taken immediately to the next appointment. This year should be organized easily by all stakeholders extremely well, "said Arnold.
 And what about the Kölsch Carnival greats such as the heights or Bläck Fööss? Have any time to come to Bonn? "We have our reservations with the Stars Kölsch already done two years ago and therefore no problem with that," said Herbert Raab, commander of the Bonn city soldiers.
 "Who has not done that of course has a problem. So we already expect that we'll get one or two additional stars show the absence of Cologne, "said Raab on. "It is a very short session, but when one is well organized, then this sprint is to do it."
"My first session I have gigs in November," says star trumpeter Bruce Kapusta. And the nominee Bonna Alexandra pillars: "Even a pity that the session is so short. Nevertheless, we want to enjoy this short time. "
"I think it's really good," said Holger Willcke her prince. "Better to have really crisp four weeks from morning until night carnival, then at least, remains on a permanent revelers wave."
Also of interest
Is calculated as the session

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cables at Breslauer Platz

Cologne - bankruptcies, bad luck, mishaps, and disasters for years to accompany the construction of the north-south light rail.
Now, a new breakdown is this: The plans for the transformation of the Breslauer Platz stalled and could be delayed by up to one year.
The reason is cable. A real cable clutter, which is located below the Breslauer Platz. The site is part of the city, the railway company and the railway subsidiary Aurelis.
"But for her own web site can not say where are the cables," explains marketing department, Dr. Norbert Walter-Borjans (SPD). "They have no plan."
The result is called at a joint session of city and railroad officials. When asked Deutsche Bahn spokesman Gerd Felser admits: "I am aware that the cable is able to identify at Breslauer Platz probably not feasible."
According EXPRESS information we know only that there may be located on the cable signal control in the main station. Feverishly railway managers had sought to plans - but without success.
Now it is considering making test borings and then search using mini cameras to the cables. This can be a long time, take a very long time.