Thursday, February 25, 2010

FC Nova takes off the blindfold?

Blue sky. Idyll on Sunday Geißbockheim. To 15.07 clock: Then Wolfgang Overath before rolling. And in the cabin of the FC-loser brewing something together - again!
The players had come to the next big debate with the boss - which of course does not contribute to the authority of the coach.
The players were summoned after the expiry of the morning to "special class" - in addition to the sick Podolski missed only keeper Faryd Mondragon, as team manager Marcus Rauert not reach him.
The trigger: Of course, the 0:4-disaster against Hoffenheim. And how soon after the fiasco Hanover swelled again in the catacombs, the noise level of concern.
On this occasion, alongside manager Michael Meier, the vice-president Juergen Glowacz and Fritz Neukirch there. An alliance of rage against a collection of sad characters. Overath: "How can a game be poorly digested. We had thought the appeals after the Hanover game would have been more effective. But we have unfortunately demonstrated. It was a demonstration of what is important in football. We had zero chance. This should be shown to the players five times. "
Video entitled
Whether that's enough to make the gentlemen legs? With FC you think about actually send a clear signal - it's about Milivoje Novakovic, who was delivered after the return from the Slovenian party zone against Hoffenheim an eminent poor performance.
The discussion now is a degradation of the master - the FC Nova takes off the blindfold? Coach Soldo had him out, dry, with only four words ( "Nova fetched. Willy pure") in the mid-term from the team.
At the side of Slovenes colleague Miso Brecko out (in the 29th minute), the striker was sulking in the cabin until the final whistle, rather than sit on the bench. Who in Bochum now also the bandage, Overath asks: "It must be because the will and willingness to give everything. But we have not presented as a team.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (OV)

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Vicky and Cristina, two young American women are over the summer in Barcelona on the road. While Vicky is thoughts about their future life as a wife, Christina can push curious adventure, aimless and inspired by the bustle in the city. Then she meets the charismatic artist Juan Antonio know who still suffers from the separation from his great love of Maria Elena.
?? movie.label.director??
Woody Allen
?? movie.label.actors??
Scarlett Johansson, Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem
?? movie.label.genre??
Romantic Comedy
U.S., Spain
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
96?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mainz boss protects Bancé

Mainz - Only the great misery of wounded. Then the separation of the spectacular rise of coach Jörn Andersen. And now the scandal Bancé striker Aristide, who is said to have struck a woman at the club grounds EXPRESS reported>).
Mainz 05 comes before the league start against Leverkusen, just not to repose. "It sounds even dramatic, what happens to us. But we will remain calm, "said FSV-President Harald Strutz yesterday in an interview with the Express.
The Mainz-based public prosecutor has begun an investigation to the obvious conflict. Witnesses claim to have seen that Bancé hit, but the victim backpedaled Wednesday. The woman came from Mainz manager Christian Heidel, according to the office and apologized for the vertebrae, they have caused. Before the police were supposed to have testified that she was not beaten.
Thursday will be the FSV publicly explain, but Strutz said earlier Wednesday: "We have spoken with the player. What was there to allegations in the room, is absolutely not happened. That has now told the woman. I hope that the prosecutor had said on Thursday. This thing will do it. "
Bancé will be available in the squad, his malaria disease is overcome, he stays with the team in training camp. The new Bundesliga inexperienced coach Thomas PCD preparing the team there in front of Bayer. That the FSV has separated from Andersen, Strutz was loud "for some, perhaps, a controversial measure. But we had the impression that Anderson has moved away from the team. "

Friday, February 5, 2010

Guttenberg will Glos-successor

Berlin - CSU General Secretary Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg wirdNachfolger by Federal Economics Minister Michael Glos (CSU).
As the new Secretary derBundestagsabgeordnete Alexander Dobrindt is provided.
   The 37-year-old Guttenberg is making good three months after the Secretary-General seinerErnennung a renewed career move. Seineursprüngliche task was to neuauszurichten the party after the defeat at derLandtagswahl together with the new CSU-Chef Seehofer.
   Glos had asked Seehofer surprisingly Entlassungaus on Saturday at his old age, but what this überraschendablehnte same. The bickering in the CSU had kalterwischt the federal government, the opposition called on Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), to speak a word of command.
 Agreed on Sunday night and Glos sichSeehofer that the amtsmüde Minister darf.Als go, his successor was traded alongside Guttenberg also bayerischeFinanzminister George Fahrenschon.
For Guttenberg sprachmöglicherweise that he is Franke and thus remains Regionalproporzinnerhalb the CSU.
   The 38-year-old Dobrindt was until kurzemwirtschaftspolitischer spokesman for the CSU party and the working leitetderzeit Education and Research of Unionsfraktion.Der studied sociology belongs to the Bundestag since 2002.