Friday, February 5, 2010

Guttenberg will Glos-successor

Berlin - CSU General Secretary Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg wirdNachfolger by Federal Economics Minister Michael Glos (CSU).
As the new Secretary derBundestagsabgeordnete Alexander Dobrindt is provided.
   The 37-year-old Guttenberg is making good three months after the Secretary-General seinerErnennung a renewed career move. Seineursprüngliche task was to neuauszurichten the party after the defeat at derLandtagswahl together with the new CSU-Chef Seehofer.
   Glos had asked Seehofer surprisingly Entlassungaus on Saturday at his old age, but what this überraschendablehnte same. The bickering in the CSU had kalterwischt the federal government, the opposition called on Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), to speak a word of command.
 Agreed on Sunday night and Glos sichSeehofer that the amtsmüde Minister darf.Als go, his successor was traded alongside Guttenberg also bayerischeFinanzminister George Fahrenschon.
For Guttenberg sprachmöglicherweise that he is Franke and thus remains Regionalproporzinnerhalb the CSU.
   The 38-year-old Dobrindt was until kurzemwirtschaftspolitischer spokesman for the CSU party and the working leitetderzeit Education and Research of Unionsfraktion.Der studied sociology belongs to the Bundestag since 2002.