Monday, June 14, 2010

13-year-old serial offender fled Psychiatry

Hemsbach -
A few days after his arrest, has a 130 times (!) Offenders 13 years old with a flight from the child psychiatry caused a stir again. The boy, however, was found on a 19-year-old acquaintance in Hemsbach in the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis and transferred to the youth, police said Thursday.
The student was on Monday evening after a burglary at a house in Hemsbach caught with stolen property and taken to the hospital was. Previously, he was kicked by the police mainly because of burglaries and thefts in North and South Hesse Baden in appearance.
On the way to the station on Monday the child was beaten around wildly and finally to the department a faked suicide attempt. The students lay down his sweater around his neck and held his breath. The acting was so convincing that the police began with a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. An ambulance took the boy in a children's hospital.
When the car stopped in front of the hospital, he fled through the rear door. Paramedics and police officers, however, could capture him and bring the investigation. He was then placed in a Hessian child psychiatry. The boy was brought in early November in an orphanage, but there already slipped away the next day.