Tuesday, April 27, 2010

18,115 euros were on the train

Dusseldorf - Winfried F. (52, name changed) is almost every day with the train on the road. On Thursday, the train would be almost the most expensive of his life.
On the morning of the Wuppertal had lost in the regional train between Duisburg and Dusseldorf his wallet, she had probably slipped out of his back pocket of his trousers.
This incredible 18,115 euros! Winfried F. bear its total cash balances seem constantly to himself, perhaps suspicious of the banks.
His huge fortune: A 28-year-old woman from Duisburg, which went with her niece (14) to stroll to Dusseldorf, found the wallet on the seat
"When I reinschaut, I thought: The owner must be extremely shocked when he noticed the loss."
The young woman who wants to remain anonymous, did the right thing: "I called the Federal Police. I did not want rumfragen who owned the wallet. Since it would have been reported before, only the wrong thing. "
 At the police station in Düsseldorf's main train station, they handed over the purse. The officials were unable to reach the owner, therefore, contacted the parents by Winfried F., reported by the Fund
"Friday he comes over to us to pick up his wallet. The man is sure to be overjoyed, "said federal police spokesman Stefan Beckmann.