Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ulla Schmidt, has lied?

Berlin - The official affair to Ulla Schmidt (SPD) - became embroiled in the Budget Committee, the Minister of Health on Wednesday once again in contradictions. She admitted that as early as 2008 a private individual - namely, a relative of Schmidt's - in an official with the Spanish holiday is gone.
Two weeks ago the Minister had said in a statement that it had acted in the years 2006 to 2008 so-called "empty", which were attributed to the official trips 'and therefore paid by taxpayers' money.
Ulla Schmidt, has been lying? "If this was in the opinion - then yes," said FDP financial expert Ulrike Flach to EXPRESS.
Even Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) had to report yesterday. FDP, Greens and the Left criticized the ministers, because this work had been outsourced to a law to a private law firm.
The birthday dinner for German Bank chief Josef Ackermann was also the subject yesterday at the chancellery in Committee: Gesine Lötzsch (Left) lamented "lack of distance" between the chancellor and the lobbying. The CDU defended like their boss the dinner party.
Read also: New allegations against Ulla Schmidt> Ulla's car decides the election? >