Monday, April 5, 2010

AIDS test now in 30 minutes

Cologne - Every second day in Cologne, someone infected with the virus HIV. And still there are many people fear, can be tes th - especially as they had been awaiting the test results almost two weeks.
But now is offered in Cologne, a rapid test. The result's are after 30 minutes.
This goes so fast, because the blood is not tested for the HIV virus, but for anti-body, "explains Marlon Berkigt by the AIDS Hilfe Cologne, which offered the tests as part of their project," Check Up ".
From 20 November may be left every Thursday at Checkpoint (19 - 22 clock, Pipinstr. Test 7) - anonymously. You only have a service charge of ten euros to pay.
And there, the offer is aimed primarily at gay men, where the Infizierungsrate is still the highest. "But we send anyone away." For the 59,000 people living with HIV and AIDS have in Germany (as of 2007) to 7500 people infected through heterosexual sex, 7000 are drug addicts.
The reliability of the rapid test is very high: "Every negative result is correct to 100 percent. If a positive result is still made an intensive second test. "But only five percent of women tested positive shall then out to be negative.
Whatever is the result: There is definitely a consultation. "We want to let those with his test result is not alone."